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Presenting "Stytches" of Chicago Tribe

Here is a highlight video of Steven "Stytches" St. John, on his many travels and performances around the world. Produced by Torsionography.

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      在男人的耳边吹气,是影片中的一种常见镜头,可见这种调 船底清理海生物 情戏法是多么的有效。但是,并不能单调的在男人耳边吹气,你的手也别闲着。用的你的双手滑过他的全身。例如,用她的手指穿过他的头发,亲吻他的脖子,用你的指尖搔他, 船底水下摄像公司 船底清理海生物,抓他的背;同时让他趴着你躺在他的背上,在他耳边嘟嘟哝哝,最后用手指插入,这会让男人爱死的,船底水下摄像公司。不过大部分女人没办法放松到这样的程度,或者根本没想到这些。 法院拒发5年冤狱赔偿款续媒体曝光后已支付   性生活是爱侣们的爱情添加剂,法院拒发5年冤狱赔偿款续媒体曝光后已支付,完美的性生活能够
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      4、陌生性爱   5、交换性别   来一次酒吧邂逅,假装是陌生人一般,进行一场陌生的性爱,寻求不一样 绳锯水下切割 台北市府爆离职潮 柯文哲回应:本来就来来去去--台湾频道--人民网 的刺激。伴侣一人独自前往酒 潜水公司 吧,再假装和对方认识并搭讪,像初次见面一般。你可以试试哪些开场白对勾引他或她有用,哪些不够具有吸引力,然后,尽情独享伴侣给你的意外回馈。   你们已经足够熟悉,所以都能轻松的模仿对方,绳锯水下切割 台北市府爆离职潮 柯文哲回应:本来就来来去去--台湾频道--人民网,潜水公司。所以,来一次性别交换,男人可以假扮女人,女人也可以 管道封堵气囊 假
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Reader Comments (1)

Nice angles, Tori! I would use shorter transitions for BD to keep visuals in sync with misic, these are more suited for a wedding video... The main problem that the AF in your camera can't keep up with the dancer in low light and mixed lighting + highlight are overblown in most clips. Try to go all manual: pre-focus, take a still shot in Auto, switch to MF, use the Auto exposure settings form the still shot as a reference, close the aperture by 3-4 stops to increase depth of field (if you shoot more or less perpendicular to the dancer's movement, you'll stay in focus). You highlights are too bright, so -1 stop will take care or it, to compensate for the balance of 2-3 aperture stops increase ISO accordingly +2-3. Take a still, check the histogram and highlight warning (a bit of HL warning is OK. Shoot a short test video to check depth of field and adjust aperture, if needed.

July 9, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLeo

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